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We have located the articles on curated books of the MoneyMuseum for you.
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News from Nowhere
News from Nowhere: The Dream of a More Beautiful Life
A world without money, what could that look like? At the end of the 19th century, the English socialist William Morris invented such a world. His utopia doesn’t fully explain how such a society would function, but it is an invitation to dream.
Max Weber: Protestant Ethics and the "Spirit" of Capitalism. In: Archives of Social Science and Social Policy.
The Protestant Work Ethic: Why Catholics are Lazy and Protestants Hardworking
In 1904/1905, Max Weber published his ground-breaking work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. He put forward the thesis that the faith of a population is causally linked to the progress of a country. Today, his theses have long been long considered outdated. But why do they still seem so plausible?
Rousseaus Self-Portrait: “I Feel All, but See Nothing”
Rousseau is rarely associated with modesty. He begins his "Confessions" often treated as the first modern autobiography, with the announcement that his work is unparalleled in history and that he himself is unique. However, it would be too easy to reduce this complex and complicated personality to its thoroughly self-confident tones.
Brigitta und andere Erzählungen
Brigitta and Other Tales: Kitsch or Force of Nature?
Stifter polarized despite his romantic-sounding stories. His texts divided the readership. Thomas Mann criticized the old-fashioned, moralizing style, while Friedrich Nietzsche praised his work as a literary icon. What is it about Stifter's texts that some appreciate and others revile?
Stopfkuchen. Eine See- und Mordgeschichte
Stopfkuchen: More Than a Whodunit
The subtitle of Wilhelm Raabe's Stopfkuchen is " a sea- and murder story." But don't expect a shallow whodunit because of that. While the reader is still trying to sort out the complex time and space levels of events, he realizes that the novel has an even deeper level...